How to Expand Your Comfort Zone

Simple & Effective Strategies to Expand Your Comfort Zone

It can be a good thing when you find your comfort zone. Everyone likes a place where they can feel safe. However, sometimes your comfort zone will limit you. You might be missing out on opportunities without even knowing that you’re missing out!

Expanding your comfort zone can bring a whole new world of excitement, passion, experiences, friends, financial opportunities, and knowledge into your life. To take advantage of these benefits, the first thing you must do is embrace change.

Life is full of changes. When you get into the habit of finding the good in every change, you become more comfortable with the idea of change itself and look forward to the new adventures that lie ahead. With this mindset, you’re ready, willing, and able to expand your comfort zone.

Try these effective techniques to help you break free of the limits of your comfort zone:

1. Think positive thoughts. When you’re living in a bubble, and that bubble breaks, you’ll most likely feel fear. When you’re scared, focus on thinking more positive thoughts. Instead of thinking about what could go wrong, think about what could go right. Have faith that this new opportunity will bring you to a new, comforting place.

2. Use your imagination. By only staying where you’re familiar, you’re actually limiting your imagination. Starting from now, try to exercise your mind. Stretch it to envision doing new things you never considered before.

* Try some new activities. Invariably, you’ll find some you enjoy and these will be added to your repertoire of experiences you find comfortable, thus expanding your comfort zone.

3. Take small steps. One of the most important tips when it comes to expanding your comfort zone is to tread lightly. If you expect too much too soon, you may shock yourself and go running back to your bubble. Feel free to take even the smallest of steps.

* Each step forward is just that: a step forward. These steps will add up to something big as long as you keep trying.

4. Do something new. You don’t have to do anything terribly exciting or even have any expectations about the results. Just do something you’ve never done before. Even trying a new restaurant or taking a different route to work will help. Do something different each day, and soon you’ll be looking forward to your daily adventure!

5. Accept help. If you ask your friends and family for help, they’ll likely be there for you. Have them help you if you’re feeling uncomfortable in a new situation. They might just alleviate your stress while you’re expanding your comfort zone.

6. Meet new people. Be open to accepting new friends and acquaintances. Strike up casual conversations with people around you. You never know when you might be able to form a new relationship with someone. Your new friends will help you expand your comfort zone by bringing their friends and new ideas into your life.

Remember that there are no set rules. Your main goal is to be happy with your life. If you’re happy in your comfort zone, you don’t have to expand it aggressively against your wishes. However, if staying within your own bubble may cause you to regret it because of missed opportunities, then try these easy strategies to help you grab all the gusto you can out of life!

How to Lead With Courage

How to Lead With Courage

When we think of leaders, we might be tempted to think of courageous and heroic figures. The leader is the person at the vanguard of the army, leading the charge and taking the brunt of any enemy attacks. That’s what it means to be a leader in comic books and films after all!

Of course, this is not the reality for most of us. Most people will be managers and parents, where there is very little gunfire or charging.

But that doesn’t mean you can rest on your laurels. It is still very important to be courageous and heroic. It’s just that this courage will take a different form.

Leading Through Action

The best leaders are action-takers. When we lead through action, we set a positive example for our team and inspire them to similarly take action. In this way, we avoid one of the worst traits that any leader can possess: hypocrisy.

There are few things that will inspire dissent in your ranks as quickly as being seen to be hypocritical.

Nobody likes being asked to do things because they feel that their superior is simply unwilling or even afraid to do it themselves. You are in charge and with that comes responsibility. Simply giving the worst jobs to your team and not taking part in them yourself is an abuse of your power.


Leading through action also means being decisive. It means being able to quickly make a decision and be willing to commit to that action.

Many lesser leaders make the mistake of deferring or avoiding decision-making. Their fear is that they’ll make the wrong decision and thus lose the respect of their staff.

However, being indecisive is worse than making an unwise or incorrect decision. Being indecisive makes you seem weak. And while taking action can result in a negative outcome, delaying a decision will only ever have negative consequences.

Conversely, it’s nearly always inspiring to see someone who makes quick decisions and doesn’t doubt themselves. Decisiveness also builds confidence in your team members.


How is decisiveness a mark of courage?

Simply, it means that you’re willing to accept the responsibility that comes with the role of being a leader. Being a leader doesn’t mean telling others what to do and it certainly doesn’t mean getting to take all the credit.

Being a leader means taking responsibility for the team. It means protecting them, so they can do their best work. It means making decisions and being willing to deal with the consequences. It’s only when we don’t want to look bad that we avoid making decisions… and that is ultimately a mark of cowardice.


Finally, being a courageous leader means that you take your lumps when things do go sour. If you make a mistake, it’s important to not only own up to it, but also stay calm and collected when you’re reprimanded by your own superiors, or when the organization risks collapsing or heading toward receivership or administration

Likewise, it’s crucial to remain calm in a crisis. That means setting a good example when things seem to be going wrong for the team. Prevent your team from going into a panic. Stay calm and you’ll be able to address the issue in the best possible way.

How to Be the Hero They Need

Where does all this courage and stoicism come from? How can you acquire it if you don’t possess it naturally?

Does it mean trying to act tough?

Not at all.

Being a truly great leader comes from having the right priorities. It means forgetting yourself and, instead, focussing on the goals of your organization and the happiness and comfort of your team. When you do that, it’s easy to be a courageous leader.

Put your best foot forward and make each step count.

How to Become an Excellent Communicator

Learn Communication Skills From Top Leaders

Do you struggle with communicating effectively?

Communication is a key part of success at work or in other parts of your life. Top leaders have practiced and mastered the skills that enable them to communicate so well. Luckily, you too can learn these same skills!

Follow these strategies to practice essential communication skills:

1. Learn to listen. Top leaders know that listening is a crucial part of communication. Learn to love listening and engage in the stories of others.

* Try to really pay attention during a conversation instead of being distracted by your phone or other devices. Have one conversation at a time to give each person your full attention.

* Practice retelling the person’s story in your mind to get better at listening.

* Everyone wants to be heard. Others will notice that you’re listening to them and will go away from your conversations thinking what a great communicator you are, when all you did was listen.

2. Avoid slang and informalities. It’s normal to use slang or other types of informal language while talking to friends or family. However, the business usually requires a more formal language set. Pay attention to who you’re talking to and make the necessary adjustments.

* Slang, acronyms, and informalities can also make some people feel uncomfortable, especially if they’re not familiar with them.

3. Focus on being brief. Top leaders know that you don’t have to make a long speech to be effective.

* Practice being brief and getting your point across with fewer words and less time. People appreciate brief conversations and respect others who don’t go off on tangents.

* However, ensure you’re still providing enough information while you talk. You don’t want to be vague or miss important details.

* This skill may take time to develop, so practice it often. The next time you have a conversation, try to get your point across with less talking. Try to summarize the important parts and only focus on them while you talk.

4. Pay attention to other’s emotions. When you talk, take note of how the other person is reacting. Words are powerful, and communication can affect people in many different ways.

* You may want to learn psychology to understand emotions better.

* Show sympathy and empathy when it’s appropriate during a conversation.

* Look at things from the other person’s point of view without criticism or judgment.

5. Be charismatic. Communication is easier for charismatic people, but you can learn this skill.

* One of the most important aspects of charisma is confidence, but not arrogance or self-righteousness. Confident communicators know their value and worth, but they’re also respectful of others.

* Another facet of charisma is optimism, and it’s also a big part of communication. Even if you’re having a difficult conversation, focus on something positive. Top leaders are good at finding the silver lining.

* Charismatic communicators are interesting, but they also share interesting information with others. They focus on innovation and new ideas that give people a spark.

You can learn to communicate more effectively by following these tips from top leaders. Practice these skills as often as possible. You’ll have many opportunities each day. Every time you have a conversation with anyone is an opportunity to practice a little more.

And as you know, practice makes perfect!

What are the Qualities of Great Leaders

Seven Qualities of Great Leaders


Leadership is a daunting task, and there are many theories about how to best lead others. But regardless of the theory employed, there are qualities that great leaders share. With the right blend of attributes, you can thrive within any leadership system. It’s possible to develop these characteristics with study and effort.

Ideas are easy. It’s the execution that’s so challenging. Big ideas require multiple people to bring them to life. Leadership is all about getting everyone on the same page and moving them in the same direction.

Consider developing these qualities that enhance leadership ability:

1. Confidence. Confident people inspire confidence in others. When your team sees your confidence, they believe that you know where you’re going and how to get there. Confidence is contagious and elevates morale. No one else will be confident if you’re not.

* Keep up morale by dealing with setbacks confidently.

2. Trustworthiness. One of the most important attributes of a great leader is character. People need to trust someone before they will follow him. This is accomplished through honesty, walking the talk, and showing respect. Keep your word and follow through.

* It’s challenging for a team to accomplish anything without trust.

3. Enthusiasm. Be enthusiastic about the task at hand, your position, and the opportunity to lead. No one will be more enthusiastic than you are. Demonstrate the type of enthusiasm you’d like to see in your team members. Let everyone know that you believe in your mission and its importance.

* Sometimes a break is in order. Enthusiasm can wane under a never-ending workload.

4. Steadiness. There will be obstacles and times of uncertainty. Great leaders can weather these situations and demonstrate the steadiness necessary to keep the rest of the team focused. These are the times your team will look to you the most. Be positive. Be confident. Be a rock.

* It’s natural to have doubts. It’s not effective to share them. If you need someone to talk to, reach out to your spouse or best friend. Keep all negativity out of the workplace.

5. Focus. It’s easy to become distracted, especially when things start going wrong. Learn to ignore the noise and stick to the relevant facts. Avoid looking too far ahead. Deal with the current situation and maintain your commitment.

* Focus can begin to creep when projects drag on for an extended period of time. Return to your mission statement frequently to keep your focus fresh.

6. Flexibility. Nearly anyone can hold the course, but only a great leader can change course without tipping over the ship. Be open-minded enough to find the elegant solution to the challenges that arise. A few course corrections are the rule rather than the exception.

* Avoid confusing steadfastness with stubbornness. It’s important to realize when it’s time to make some changes.

7. Communication. Be able to effectively communicate your vision to the others in your group. Be willing to listen to new ideas. Provide the information required for others to do their best. Communication skills are paramount to all leaders. If you’re looking for a single skill to enhance, this is a great place to start.

Regardless of the leadership strategy followed in your company, these attributes will serve you well. Great leaders share many of the same attributes. Learning to demonstrate these attributes will enhance your leadership abilities and increase your power and influence at work.

Leadership skills can’t be learned and developed in a day. Bringing an idea into the marketplace requires a leader. Make yourself the obvious candidate.

To grow your leadership skills, engage a leadership coach CLICK HERE to learn more about coaching.